Friday, September 1, 2017

Figure painting

Friday was the first day with the model in my painting class at Berkeley City College. It is significant to say that I was prepared. I got to class on time with all my supplies, research and ready to ... not paint, but find my way around a new environment. I may not be unique in this but how many people fight the fight mode by sitting with their head below their knees to get the blood back to their head?

I did that, and my breathing, walking to the hallway and deciding that the discomfort of the physical environment, and panic, wasn't going to win the day. Fortunatly, I know my materials, have a level of competence, and got to work.

The model likes, and photographs, my work for her portfolio.

 An model in my drawing class also took photos of my work. At Linden St Studio one of the artists took a pic of my work. When I told Joel about this, he made a great suggestion, take a picture of the photographer taking a picture of my work. So I did...

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